Conscious Accountability:

Deepen Connections, Elevate Results


David Tate, Marianne Pantalon, Daryn David

Stay tuned!

Publication date: August, 2022 (ATD Press)

I’m writing a book with my colleagues, David Tate and Daryn David.

It’s about a new approach to accountability that puts relationships and bottom-line business results on equal footing. It Emphasizes learning over blame and takes a proactive, empowering approach to accountability as a set of mindsets and skills that anyone can develop.  

We offer seven practices for how to create Conscious Accountability in relationships, teams, or organizations. We call this the CONNECT framework and it stands for Creating Clarity, Opening up Engagement, Nailing It, Noticing, Exchanging Feedback, Claiming It, and Trying Again. 

It’s being published by the world’s largest training and development organization, ATD (Association for Talent Development).

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