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Marianne Pantalon is a clinical and consulting psychologist and executive coach. She is a founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Conscious Growth Partners, a mission-focused consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations improve both their results and relationships through improved awareness, intentionality, and skill development. Her specialties are interpersonal dynamics and team effectiveness.  She provides assessment, individual and team coaching, facilitation, skills training, leadership development, and culture change across a variety of settings including corporate, academic, and startups, to name a few. In addition to her private consulting work, she serves as a Senior Facilitator at the Yale School of Management where she helps students develop the skills needed to become powerful global leaders. 

People who work with Marianne often describe her as compassionate, insightful, and exceptional at creating the safety needed for courageous conversations. Helping folks shed light on influences operating below the surface is where Marianne thrives and finds deep meaning and fulfillment in her work. 

Social entrepreneurship is Marianne’s passion. She is the Primary Investigator of an NIH Small Business Innovation Research grant to build a digital health tool to help individuals with Opioid Use Disorder. She also volunteers as a mentor and judge at the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Wesleyan University.

A creative at heart, Marianne enjoys numerous artistic activities such as photography, graphic design, interior design, writing, and calligraphy. She began her academic studies as a film major at Binghamton University and went on to earn her PhD at Hofstra University studying the impact of writing for her dissertation. You can get a glimpse of her fun-loving competitive nature during family games and at the gym. More often, she loves spending time outside, getting lost in views and dawdling among the trees. 

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
— Howard Thurman

Here’s a video of me talking to my peers at the 2018 Connecticut Psychological Association Conference.

Here's an article in the Hartford Courant about a previous social enterprise of mine.